Lazily live blogging RubyConf Argentina 2013
I'm collecting my photographs of RubyConf Argentina 2013. This will be incomplete, things will be missed, but it's something. More pictures can be found on Flickr.
Programming is terrible — Lessons learned from a life wasted
Thomas Edward Figg, author of Programming is terrible debunks myths of programming. Thomas speaks from the heart and is passionate about making a more inclusive community for people coming to programming.
note I didn't have my translation headphones and was chasing down an adapter for my computer so I unfortunately missed Pablo Astigarraga's talk. Like I said, this post will miss things. Sorry Pablo.
First time project: Developing an Open Source job board
Cecilia Rivero & Mayn E Kjær sharing their experiences building a job board for Rails Girls Summer of Code (which Mayn is writing her master thesis on). I love hearing people's experiences when they first start programming. They worked remotely, used redis and their datastore, and restricted themselves to vanilla JavaScript on this project. Very impressive.
Check out their code on github/punchgirls and follow them at @punchgirls.
Go for Rubyists
Thiago Pradi gave a fantastic crash course on the Go Programming language. Its very hard to summarize but he finds the syntax adjustment the most difficult part of going from Ruby to Go. To me this makes Go very appealing. Usually its the semantic differences are the hardest thing to get over when switching languages.
Gluing Data Together
Ostap Cherkashin is working on an interesting project called Comp which essentially has single keyword for querying files. Comp is in the early stages but Ostap appears to have an interesting approach to the problem.
comp is a tool for querying information from files. Its main goal is to provide a unified interface to the variety of data representations found in public data sets. To achieve this goal comp introduces a small query language with type coercion (e.g. "2" + 2 == 4) and a powerful iteration mechanism based on list comprehensions.
An example of Comp. You may notice the heavy use of expressions over keywords. Pretty trippy...
comp '[i * j | i <- [1, 2, 3], j <- [10, 20]]'
Put Away the Knives: We Can Work Together
Justine Arreche is a freelance designer giving valuable insight into how designers and programmers can work better together. In this talk Justine slaps the wrist of both parties emphasizing the importance of communication.
Justine highly recommends the book Boostrapping Design for programmers.
Lunch Time!
Here is a man riding a bird.
Having WiFi issues. Updates may be spotty
From work to Passion
Santiago Pastorino is on the Rails core team and is passionate about his work at WyeWorks. Santiago talks about the struggles of creating a viable company while still building projects he is passionate about and the challenges of working with a co-worker under this environment. Focus, Trust, and luck are all big factors in this process. I hear you Santiago.
If you want to work on your passion, it's important to say "no".
Try your luck and celebrate your accomplishments.
Building a Data Platform with Ruby Glue
by Augusto Becciu
Server-side Ruby tips for building Mobile Backends
by Hanneli Tavante
Rack and Roll
I absolutely love Rack and Cristian Rasch explains it in a wonderful way. Rack is a great into to HTTP and once you start to see how simple it can be, it really shows how needless huge complex web frameworks are.
The Bipolar Programmer
Perhaps the most enjoyable talk of the day. Jano González explains the importance of finding balance in our work.
- Hacker vs Thinker
- Deliver Value vs Diminish Technical Debt
- Explicit vs Implicit
- Now vs Future
- Good Advice vs Laws
Dime for Drinking!
A cool mural.